What to bring, and where to stay in Potrero Chico Mexico.

 What to bring, and where to stay in Potrero Chico. The Yosemite of Mexico.

                           By Kai Holloway

Located in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, right outside the mountain town of Hidalgo. Potrero Chico has gotten a well deserved reputation as the Mecca of climbing, or the Yosemite of Mexico. 

The stunning limestone cliffs, and amazing trails have made Potrero Chico a destination for rock climbers, hikers, and mountain bikers.

Where to stay, and what to bring to Potrero Chico Hidalgo Mexico. Rancho Sandero, Finca El Caminante, La posada.

After a delightful summer on a small Island in Maine, where we stay in a log cabin, and my parents run come activities. We were ready to embark on our trip south in our skoolie (converted school bus BaseCamp) , hiking Mount Washington barefoot, and climbing in Shawangunks along our way to Potrero Chico Mexico.

So before you pack your bags here are some places to stay, and things to bring to Potrero Chico Mexico.

Places to stay in Potrero Chico.

Finca El Caminante

Finca El Caminante is an amazing fun, artistic hostel, with camping options, community bathrooms, an outdoor pool, Wi-Fi, and a shared kitchen. Eduardo the property owner is extremely kind, and so are the employees. BaseCamp fits right in at Finca El Caminante. I have never camped somewhere with such a chill fun vibe!

Website: https://www.fincaelcaminante.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fincaelcaminante/

Finca El Caminante campground/hostel. Potrero Chico Mexico
Finca El Caminante

Zevy with Amir, in the Finca El Caminante kitchen 

Rancho Sandero 

we considered camping at Rancho Sandero because of the amazing property, and community space, including a shared kitchen, outdoor pool, and bathrooms. We were especially fans of the grass which helps keep the dust down, and the slackline they have set up on the property.

Website: https://www.ranchoelsendero.com.mx/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ranchoelsendero/?locale=es_LA

La Posada- a short distance from the park, La Posada is a very popular camping area, and hostel offering, a pool, community kitchen, bathrooms, Wi-Fi, and a restaurant on the property. 

Website: https://www.elpotrerochico.com.mx/

Facebook: https://es-la.facebook.com/laposadaenelpotrerochico/

Climbing Gear I Would Recommend Bringing to Potrero Chico

We used our sixty meter rope, and were able to do most of the climbs, but I would recommend bringing a seventy meter to have more options.

Our new rack of 16 quickdraws. Because it is mostly sport climbing in Potrero Chico your going to need lots of quick draws.

Belay/rappelling devices- we used our Grigi for belaying, and ATCs for rappelling.

Prusics for safer rappelling- my dad has been climbing since before prusics were a common rappelling backup, but nowadays they are important for rapping safely. 

Two anchors- one skill I learned in Potrero Chico was how to set up anchors at the top of a route efficiently, using the 2 bolt anchors.

Belay glasses- belay glasses were a neck saver, giving good visibility without craining our necks.

Climbing Gear you will Need: 


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